Random Impulses

Sole Meuniere With Leek & Potato Hash

  This Tuesday our weekly menu plan called for the following. Protein: Sole Vegetable: Leeks Side: Doesn’t matter … has to be potatoes when leeks are involved!   Gluten Free Sole Meuniere When I first discovered sole meuniere, it felt like a gap on my culinary life had finally been resolved. Sole had always seemed […]

Random Impulses

Poached Trout with Leek and Potato Hash

  So Healthy Yet So Delicious This Wednesday our menu plan called for the following: Protein: Trout Vegetable: Leeks Side: Potatoes   Poached Trout When I come back from our local fishmonger with fresh trout, I can hardly resist the temptation to poach it and serve it with a simple vinaigrette. This is quite possibly one […]