Our gluten free / dairy free weekly menu plan this Monday called for the following:
Protein: Trout
Vegetable: Corn
Side: Boston lettuce
Oven Baked Trout
Poaching is by far my most favourite method of preparing trout, but the real motivation behind our weekly menu plan was to try new techniques whenever possible. This week I had no excuse to fall back on my trusted poaching method and instead opted for baking at high heat. Preparing oven-cooked morsels of fish is an area I’m trying to get better at, because when it’s done right, the almost bite-sized delicious results are quite impossible to resist … especially important when kids are involved!

Sautéed Corn & Zucchini Hash
It’s been some time since we had corn on the menu, and I’ve been developping a craving for it over the winter months. Boiling the cobs first, then slicing off the freshly cooked kernels and sautéing them with some zucchini, onions & garlic led to delicious results.
Accompanied by fresh big Boston lettuce leaves and a drizzle of home-made dairy free creamy dressing, the meal was a success. Even our youngest daughter was intrigued by the “funny looking salad” and ventured a couple bites of her own!