IC Podcast

Impulsive Culinarian Podcast – Dec 30, 2019

In this inaugural episode of the Impulsive Culinarian podcast I get into some details about why IC dropped off the map for so long, as well as all the great new culinary adventures coming to the channel in 2020, including all new recipe videos in a new comprehensive format coming to my YouTube channel. It’s a full restart and it will be wonderful to have you along for the ride, so let’s get cooking!

About the IC Podcast: A weekly audio show savouring the essence of great culinary classics from cuisines all around the world, including healthy meals and gluten free recipes to equip your recipe arsenal with all the best dishes for any occasion.

About me: My name is Paul Thibault, an impulsive home chef developing delicious gluten free recipes for family and friends regardless of their allergen restrictions or dietary limitations, visit the About Page to learn more.