The weather was hot, it was wine-o-clock, and my taste-buds were craving a nice glass of wine to cool me down after a lovely afternoon in the kitchen … but lo-and-behold, I actually shirked at the idea of opening my regular hearty bottle of red grenache or tempranillo!
No, instead I had a VERY rare craving for a white wine; this happens to me sometimes, roughly once or twice a year to be precise. So when the mood does strike I try not to waste the occasion on something sketchy.
Recalling a very pleasant experience with some Daniel Lenko Riesling late last year, I though I would try my luck with a reliable Riesling recommendation this time.
Thankfully, this lovely Alsace Pfaff Black Tie 2016 came along, with just the right amount of refreshing fruit and floral tones, but a nice dry finish; I certainly recommend.