Impulsive Culinarian’s French-Canadian Pickled Beets Recipe
Special Gear Required
- 4 Mason Jars (8 ounce)
- Lids and screw tops for each jar
- Canning pot with insert to suspend jars
- Heat-safe tongs for handling the hot jars
Pickled Beets Ingredients
- 2 pounds Red Beets
- 1 tbsp Black Peppercorns
- 2 tsp Mustard Seeds
- 2 tsp Coriander Seeds
- Whole Allspice (1 per container)
- Whole Cloves (1 per container)
- 3/4 cup Cider Vinegar
- 1/2 cup White Wine
- 1/2 cup Water
- 3 tbsp Sugar
- 1 tbsp Kosher or Pickling Salt
- In a medium pot over large heat, bring the beets to a boil then reduce heat to medium and simmer for 30 to 40 minutes until just tender
- While beets are cooking, place rack in the canning pot and place jars with open end up into the rack
- Fill canning pot with hot water until it just covers the jars, bring to a boil, then reduce to a simmer and cover to keep water from evaporating
- When beets are cooked, drain in a colander and set aside to cool for around 10 minutes
- In a separate sauce pan, add cider vinegar, wine, water, sugar & salt, then bring to a boil over high heat
- Whisk the brine ingredients thoroughly until sugar and salt are completely dissolved, then reduce heat to medium low and cover to keep warm
- Peel the beets using your hands, trim off the stems, then cut into rustic 3/4″ chunks and set aside
- Carefully remove sterilized jars from the canning pot using the heat-proof tongs, emptying the hot water back into the canning pot
- Divide peppercorns, mustard seeds, coriander seeds, allspice and cloves evenly amongst each of the jars
- Transfer the beets to each jar leaving just enough space at the top so the lids will sit cleanly on top when its time to close them up (don’t put the lids on yet)
- Carefully transfer the hot brine to a heat safe container with a spout for pouring
- Carefully fill each jar with hot bring leaving a 1/2″ gap at the top of each jar
- In a separate shallow skillet, bring 1″ of water to a gentle boil, add canning lids to the hot water and simmer for 5 minutes
- Wipe the tops of each jar to ensure a clean seal
- Carefully place the covers on each jar and screw on the caps finger tight
- Using the heat-safe tongs, gently add mason jars back into the simmering canning pot
- Bring the canning water back up to a boil, then reduce the heat to maintain a gentle simmer for 30 minutes, partly cover the canning pot if necessary to maintain water level
- Using the heat-safe tongs, remove finished jars from canning pot and let cool on a heat-proof surface ensuring the the lids “pops” shut as it cools (takes around 2 minutes to pop once removed from the hot water)
- Enjoy right away or store for several weeks before opening for best flavour results

The Ultimate Condiment For A Traditional French Canadian Christmas Menu
Your reveillion wouldn’t be complete without some beautifully tangy home-made pickled beets on the table to add alongside your favourite main course. Pickled beets are fun to enjoy any time of the year, but the become essential on one very special occasion each year, so make them ahead of time and leave your menu prep worries behind. If only there was some other authentic dish that could be enjoyed along with these purple lovelies!
About me: My name is Paul Thibault, an impulsive home chef developing delicious gluten free recipes for family and friends regardless of their allergen restrictions or dietary limitations, visit the About Page to learn more.